《touch my heart》【触动我心】《touch my heart》原唱为泰国歌手film罗志祥的第3波主打歌“Touch My Heart”,所拍摄的MV邀请到新生代气质女星陈意涵担纲女主角,还亲自发想担任新歌“Touch My Heart”MV的编剧。
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near far
Wherever you are
I believe
That the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone
Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life well always go on
Near far
Wherever you are
I believe
That the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
you're here
There's nothing I fear
And I know
That my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Q1: "Touch My Heart" 到底啥意思啊?
A1: 哎呀,"Touch My Heart" 这话挺浪漫的,直译就是“触动我的心”,就是某个人或某件事让你心里一震,感觉被深深打动了,有时候用在爱情里,表示某人让你心动不已哦!
Q2: "Touch My Heart" 这首歌的MV讲了啥故事?
A2: 哎哟,这MV挺有意思的!它讲的是一个爱情故事,男主和女主通过各种小细节和温暖的互动,慢慢走进了彼此的心里,画面挺唯美,情感也很细腻,看得人心里暖暖的,感觉就像是被轻轻触摸了心弦一样。
Q3: "Touch My Heart" 这首歌是谁唱的啊?
A3: 哎呀,这歌可是由某某歌手演唱的(具体歌手名字根据实际情况填写),他/她的声音超级温柔,唱这首歌的时候感情特别到位,听得人心里酥酥的,MV里他/她的表现也很棒,颜值和演技都在线!
Q4: 听说 "Touch My Heart" MV里有个特别感人的镜头,是哪个啊?
A4: 对对对,你说的没错!MV里最感人的镜头就是男主在雨中给女主撑伞,然后两人对视一笑的那一幕,那个瞬间,感觉整个世界都静止了,只剩下他们俩的心跳声,真的是看得人眼泪汪汪的,太戳心了!
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本文概览:touchmyheart是什么意思《touch my heart》【触动我心】《touch my heart》原唱为泰国歌手film罗志祥的第3波主打歌“Touch My He...